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Nove postavke, novi dizajn, novi profil… Šuška se o face-u i po face-u, ali ekipa s face-a nam ipak donosi nekakve inovacije. Da budem točniji, totalnu rekonstrukciju vašeg facebook profila! Da, nazvali su taj projekt ‘Timeline’ ili u prijevodu ‘Vremenska Linija’, što bi trebalo označavati vaš ‘život’ na face-u. Na svom profilu će te ipak imati sve što ste i do sada imali, i dalje postoje postavke privatnosti, te možete sakriti sve što ne želite da se vidi, uključujući i vaše aktivnosti komentiranja i sličnoga. Vaš ‘Timeline’ profil doslovno sadrži jednu vremensku liniju na kojoj su označeni vaši postovi, te seže do samoga početka vašeg korištenja profila. Naravno, neki ne žele sve to gledati pa baš za njih u tom slučaju postoji opcija da sakriju sve stare aktivnosti i postove. Nekima se sviđa, nekima ne. Kao i uvijek, mišljenja su podijeljena. Facebook će ‘Timeline’ u javnost pustiti 8 oktobra, no vi možete isprobati vaš profil odmah sada. Posjetite stranicuDevelopers apps i odobrite ulazak na svoj račun ukoliko to dosad niste napravili. Slijedeći korak je klik na ‘Create new app‘ ikonu u gornjem desnom kutu. Kada se pojavi ‘New app‘ prozorčić potrebno je unijeti ime aplikacije i naziv prostora. Što god unjeli, poslužit će jer to trenutno stvarno nije bitna stavka. Kliknite na ‘continue‘ i nastavite. Ako ste na Developeru prvi puta, možda će biti potrebno potvrditi da ste realna osoba pa zgrabite mobitel ili kreditnu karticu, dobit ćete opcije. Preporučam mobitel, bezbolno je. Samo ćete zaprimiti poruku. Nakon potvrde vaše čovječnosti, otvorit će vam se stranica postavki vaše aplikacije. Na ovoj stranici potrebno je kliknuti na ‘Open Graph‘ link u lijevom izborniku. Prikazat će vam se dva polja za unos teksta. U njih možete upisati što god vam na pamet padne! Ja sam recimo upisao ‘read‘ u prvo polje i ‘books‘ u drugo. Kliknite na ‘Get started‘ i to bi trebalo biti to! U roku nekoliko minuta posjetite svoj profil, i na vrhu profila će vas očekivati svojevrsna pozivnica za isprobavanje ‘Timeline’ profila. Prihvatite i uživajte u isprobavanju i istraživanju! Izvor: http://geek-seek.org/?p=167#more-167
Zaboravih napisat mozel se razvuci forum ?
Ja neznam sta stee se nafuralii na PESEDIT...po meni FIREPATCH razvaljuje trenutno.... Nije los i ovaj...
danii starsnaaa ti je ova orangeee temaaa...
PES 2012 Extra Patch v0.1 by amir7 Features : * Add Bundesliga full * Add Ahli and Zamalek, with some South American teams * Open everything in the game * The faces of many global * Have shown a comprehensive game transitions * I have shown the entire crew of the Logos and put all the teams kits * New Announcements of the game * Energies and realistic * And more and more to discover note: virus warning for manager and config.exe, waiting from amir for reply below …
1.1 ver. u prvom postu.
Arsenal- Emirates Stadium: Screenshot Blackburn- Ewood Park: Everton F.C.- Goodison Park: Bolton – Reebok Stadium: Chelsea- Stamford Bridge: Aston Villa- Villa Park: Screenshot, Villa, Ewood, Reebok, Stamford, Goodison PES 2012 EPL Stadiums Pack Download Link (AIO) :
PES 2012 Vesti, Slike, Diskusija
InoMessi replied to Devilish Soldier's topic in Na dohvat ruke/Around the corner
[h=2]Konami punishes Malicious Players in PES 2012 Online![/h] Konami is taking some preventive measures for the online mode of Pro Evolution Soccer 2012, and has advised the malicious players, if you disconnect in the middle of matches because they are losing, they will be penalized in the long term. According to the company, in a model very similar to other online games, PES 2012 each player has a reputation level, which encourages fair play. When a player leaves in the middle of a match that level of trust gradually decreases. The automated system that finds matches for its opponents, will seek to put players with the same reputation level to play against each other. This means that players cheaters who disconnect during the game, eventually playing with other cheaters. Players with very low reputation will also be banned from competitions. Konami believes this should be enough to provide a more enjoyable online experience for football fans. Jon Murphy, head of the European team of Pro Evolution Soccer, commented: “Online is a key element in PES 2012 and we work hard to bring options to improve the competitive factor of the game.” [h=3]One small question : Sometimes game disconnects because of ISP (internet providers don’t give 100% uptime, provider issues, IP changes for dinamic IPs, bad weather etc) in the middle of the game, no matter if winning or lossing. This happens without player beeing a cheater. Will player still get banned ?[/h] -
PES 2012 Vesti, Slike, Diskusija
InoMessi replied to Devilish Soldier's topic in Na dohvat ruke/Around the corner
[h=2]PES 2012 DLC Next Week ![/h] PES 2012 DLC Available to Download Next Week ! This years rumors said that you have to pay to get PES 2012 DLC or might be free. Jon Murphy on twitter confirmed the DLC will be released soon and didn’t mention anything on how it is… We hope it’s free to download or at least not much $ -
Assassin's Creed: Revelations za PC odgođen Ubisoft je otkrio loše vijesti za Assassin's Creed PC fanove, Revelations je odgođen do decembra. Xbox 360 i PlayStation 3 igrači će igrati Assassin's Creed: Revelations 15. novembra dok će PC igrači morati sačekati do decembra. Iz Ubisofta nisu otkrili nikakve konkretne razloge, samo su za Joystiq rekli: "Assassin's Creed Revelations će izaći za Xbox 360 i PlayStation 3 15. novmebra, a za PC u decembru."
Firefox 8.0 beta Iako nije prošlo ni dvije sedmice od izlaska Firefoxa 7.0, Mozzila je odlučila da korisnicima predstavi i betu Firefoxa 8.0. Novi Firefox je skoro u svim operacijama 20% brži od Firefoxa 5.0, a operacije su paljenje, vraćanje sesija, renderiranje 2D i 3D WebGL slika i videa.Prema extremetech-u, potrebno je samo par sekundi da se Firefox 8.0 upali, vrati prethodnu sesiju te nastavi sa normalnim radom.Budući da se beta Firefoxa 7.0 pojavila prije dva mjeseca izvršena je usporedba i sa njom.Iako je Firefox 7.0 10% brži od Firefoxa 5.0, i dalje se primjeti razlika izmešu FF7.0 i FF8.0 beta. Što se usporedbe sa ostalim browserima tiče,Firefox 8.0 je jednako ili malo brži od Chromea 14 dok je Chromeov 3D WebGL renderer i dalje u velikoj prednosti ali Firefox brže i kvalitetnije renderira 2D. Jedina prava prednost Chromea nad Firefoxom je što ima patent rješenje koje olakšava i dakako, ubrzava učitavanje stranica te određivanje DNS-a.Mozilla može provesti sljedeću godinu pokušavajući prestići Googleov Chrome, ali jednostavno brzina downloadanja sa stranica ide u Chromeovu korist.Iako je Firefox prema brojkama brži, Chrome se čini bržim te će to tako ostati još dugo vremena.
Nema se sta mislit kad sve znam....nista dok se ne prikupi jos clanova.
Ajde ljudi aktivirajte se..osvjezavajte forume,diskutujte.Podforumi su nam poluprazni...
[TABLE=class: ncode_imageresizer_warning] [TR] [TD=class: td1][/TD] [TD=class: td2][/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [TABLE=class: ncode_imageresizer_warning] [TR] [TD=class: td1][/TD] [TD=class: td2][/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Download .bins + templates: http://www.mediafire.com/?w86i3960b8bsjw9 Install: Kitserver > dt07.img
Nemoras ;)
description: Decrypt/Encrypt PES 2012 Option File (and maybe other files too). Checksum of PES 2012 files Zlib/Unzlib files Tested just for the PC! thanks to: neogeo64 from EPT team, jenkey1002, goldorakiller how to use: open program drag the file to the image with action known bugs: Find them! info: Always make a backup!! Tool is making too, but only one!
[h=2]US Base Option File Version 1[/h] * This option file is compatible with v1.01 YOU MUST UPDATE PES before you can use this OF!* How to transfer the option file: 1. Download the Option File 2. Unzip it (I unzip it onto my desktop using WinRAR) 3. Insert USB stick into PC 4. Make a new folder on your USB called PS3, then inside that create another folder called SAVEDATA 5. Put the OF into the SAVEDATA folder, so on your USB you will have PS3>SAVEDATA>all the folders from the OF 6. Plug USB stick into PS3 7. Go to Game-Saved Data Utility 8. Find your USB stick 9. All the kits etc should show as single files, along with an Edit Data file, and a System Data file 10. Start at the first kit, press Triangle while you are on it, a Copy option will appear 11. Copy onto your PS3 12. Repeat for all kits (this may take about 10 minutes but it is worth it) 13. Also copy the Edit Data from the OF, but NOT the System Data 14. Unplug your USB stick 15. Load up PES2010 16. Voila! The option file is finally finished here is what is in it: Includes Corrected names for all Leagues and Cups Duplicate players removed from their national team spots Players have correct names as well All Emblems and kits corrected for the nonlicensed EPL Leagues Cups and Teams have correct emblems Portugese League has correct names and Emblems and Kits Major Transfers done for the EPL Bundesliga created with emblems and kits Base copied players from the missing players thread that everyone wanted me to base copy lol NOT included As always it is not my preference to make teams. That takes entirely way too long and since this is a base option file to go on there will be no Championship teams or Extra teams NO National Team kits will be done Will not be adding stadiums in the first release. Bundesliga rosters are NOT complete or ACCURATE…I hope to do this by the weekend (appearances will not be done at all) CHANTS Here is a great website to find chants on. Neilez did an awesome job pulling these together. Many many chants for different leagues all across the globe. His instructions on how to download and use them are at this link. **CREDITS** Myself cuz im awesome Nemisiskidd for the EPL kits ¢Ħλ®₤ỉξ-[14] for the Bundesliga kits and formulas Sporting89 for the Portugese kits Neilez for his chant packs Pategato for putting together the Portugese kits he did an awesome job Anyone whom i may have forgot Download PES 2012 PS3 Option File [uS version] by Mrgametight :
EPL Scoreboard [TABLE=class: ncode_imageresizer_warning] [TR] [TD=class: td1, width: 20][/TD] [TD=class: td2][/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Download: http://115.com/file/clqt97oq Liga Scoreboard [TABLE=class: ncode_imageresizer_warning] [TR] [TD=class: td1, width: 20][/TD] [TD=class: td2][/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Download: http://115.com/file/bhdfm9dj Bundesliga Scoreboard [TABLE=class: ncode_imageresizer_warning] [TR] [TD=class: td1, width: 20][/TD] [TD=class: td2][/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Download: http://115.com/file/clqt9sqw Serie A Scoreboard [TABLE=class: ncode_imageresizer_warning] [TR] [TD=class: td1, width: 20][/TD] [TD=class: td2][/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Download: http://115.com/file/dnh0zppd Eredivisie Scoreboard [TABLE=class: ncode_imageresizer_warning] [TR] [TD=class: td1, width: 20][/TD] [TD=class: td2][/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Download: http://115.com/file/clqtpmhu ESPN Scoreboard [TABLE=class: ncode_imageresizer_warning] [TR] [TD=class: td1, width: 20][/TD] [TD=class: td2][/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Download: http://115.com/file/clqte6iu
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Virtual DJ Home 7.0.5 autor M.G. ned 25.9.2011 00:00 39 komentara comment Ako spremate zabavu kod kuće i namjeravate sve zabaviti vlastitim umijećem miksanja glazbe, baš kao što to rade profesionalni DJ-i, a ne želite investirati u (pre)skupu opremu, ovo je program koji će vas ugodno iznenaditi. Čak i njegova besplatna inačica…