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Everything posted by Mare

  1. POC 2012 Version 1.0 DOWNLOAD IT http://downloads.moddingway.com/file/15337.html IMPORTANT!!!! ------------- If you have Windows 7, you have to install POC and Oedit in Windows XP Mode. All you need to install Windows XP Mode in Windows 7 here : http://www.mydigitallife.info/windows-7-virtual-pc-and-windows-xp-mode-official-direct-download-links/ You need Oedit 3D Editor by Arushan. Version OEdit 0.2a (b40) http://downloads.moddingway.com/file/409.html INSTRUCTIONS OEDIT : ---------------------------- - This POC works with PES 2012 Faces Only. - STARTING - First go to options and setup the oedit path (this is only needed the first time you run POC). - Then browse for the bin file (face). After click on "PES to OEDIT" Button. - Oedit will be opened and it will show you the face. - TEXTURES - Face texture .dds will be included in the same folder of your bin. - If the bin file is called face10.bin textures files will be named face10.bin.dds - You can choose not to export textures by unchecking export texture. - IN OEDIT - Once in Oedit to load the face texture go to TEXTURE menu and click on MANAGE TEXTURE. Load the bmp file placed in the same folder that your bin. - After you have made the changes you want go to FILE menu and SAVE. - Close Oedit. - IMPORTING TEXTURES - This version of POC only allows to import dds files. The file you import must be DXT1 not alpha 8 mipmaps. - IMPORTING FACE - Now click on OEDIT To PES button of POBC. - Finally import the bin file to the AFS file using AFS Explorer. Credits : --------- Authors: Ariel SAntarelli. Dedicated to the memory of David (nbmdave) http://nbmdave.skyrock.com/ Dedicated to the memory of my grandmother Lucy. Konami for another fantastic game.
  2. marinho bolje se ti igraj edit tima nego sto igras lol!nema te nigde da se javis da kazes ja radim te i te timove
  3. milose i golmanski ce se dres promeniti za sledecu sezonu vec znam koji ce biti,a ovi dresovi sto si postavio su samo poslati upravi i znam proverno da stizu svaki dan po 20 maiova u proseku sa predlogom za dres,velika je verovatnoca da nece biti ovaj dres zato sto ga je porto nosio a porto pripada nike elite,sto znaci da samo oni smeju da imaju unikatan dres,odnosno taj model,to sto ti citas na netu su obicne prepostvake i lozenje mase,ja cekam tamo maj,jun za novi dres pa cu onda raditi,dotle nista novo od zvezde sve je uradjeno vec
  4. nije lose napredujes samo radi i radi sad neke timove tipa blacbkyrn i tako malo slabije evrposke u jacim ligama jebes austirju iz 80ih
  5. solidno ali uvek moze bolje linije jedva vidlijve
  6. deste maloletnici sta se radi sem sto nista ne radite
  7. Mare

    Face by ZOKA1000

    odilcno samo napred sljakaj
  8. jel zna neko kako da sredim da kad igram my player ne ukoci igrica kad dodje do prvog intervjua pred draft
  9. fale ti stucne i radis po proslogidsnjem tempu od konamija uzmi radi po novom
  10. odlicno treba mi nigerija :D snjima od reprezentcija najvise igram
  11. jadan covek R.I.P hvala mu za sve sto je izmislio
  12. oces raditi nigerijU? inace ovi ostali bez greske
  13. nema jos gdb za kitserver kad izadje onda ce biti 100%
  14. Veceras preostali golmanski dresovi
  15. vrhunski bez grske svaka cast
  16. niko ti nije reko nista za dupli post nego zato sto siris pirateriju a to nije dozvoljeno nanosis stetu forumu tako!
  17. pitaj milana on je radio lopte za pes ja stavrno neumem
  18. odlican dres nemam zamerki radi dalje ;)
  19. Mare

    Dresovi by Cuky

    ma nema problema,skola je bitnija od pesa ;) samo nemoj skroz da stanes :D sta cemo bez tvojih dresova
  20. jel ce biti ovoga veceras da se "kupi"
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