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ja rekoh gore da malo promeni linije ispod rukava i da bi to bilo to sto se tice template,malo nek pogleda slike videce da imaju 2 linije ispod rukava kao sto vecina nike reprezentaicja ima
Gooneru mislio sam da uradim ja arsenal al reko necu vidim ti ih mnogo volis ,evo ti,preko ovog dresa radi arsenal,samo naravno bez kragne i ove linije ispod rukava,sorc je isti ovaj template,stucne i mogu da prodju
isti ko stari samo malo zaobljeniji,ovaj ce verovatno biti ubuduce na dresovima
bravo milose ovako se mole svi da postave ja nemam vremena trenutno ali mozda neko drugi uradi,ako ne potrudicu se ja u sto ranijem roku da uradim
U ovu temu postavite zahtev za neki dres, nadam se da ce svi kitmakeri da povremno pogledaju ovu temu,i uraditi nekome kome treba. Postoji samo jedno pravilo za ovu temu,i molio bih sve da se pridrzavaju njega,kad trazite dres,postavite sto vise moguce slika,gornji deo,sorc,stucne.Ukoliko nepostujute ovo pravilo ja prvi necu a ostali kitmakeri se mole da ne odgovore uopste na post.
mozda i dodje u novembru to su rekli i za brotherood pa ga odlozili za 7 mseci :S EDIT:bice ovaj najoblji do sada ac imam neki osecaj
CleoPFC budes li jos jednom postavio neke pesme gde se spominje rec ustasa,dobices dozivotni ban!!!!ovaj forum nije mesto za takva sranja a ustavri nigde nije mesto tim stvarima a pogotvo ne ovde na forumu.
stavio si tecfit model stavi 12 lepo pise na dresu
majstori vi se razumute probajte ovo valjda je bolje nego onaj stari program
Hi everyone, i've been working on the new stadium exporter project since long while ago, this project based on the new Blender version (old version blender dont update anymore,new version is updateable and it has great some new features) this is similar tool like KONAMI's one, i know they use MAYA and make exporter script with MEL (Maya Embedded script Language), i made that similar exporter tool with original features (multi-UV, optimized DDS textures etc..) for Blender, there are over 2000 code lines in this script so im thinking release beta version for PES 2011 and test it with PES 2011, so fixing small bugs,some little improvements then make a stable version for PES 2012, read the below informations with carefully...(would be good if any moderator make sticky this thread) Download last Blender version (2.57b) :http:// http://www.blender.org/download/get-blender/ Blender 2.5 Manual Document : http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Doc:2.5/Manual New Features : * Multi-UV : You can use '2 different UV Map and Texture' for each 3D model, always first is base(global) and second is lightmap, this is absolutely great feature for making lightmap 'without lose base texture resolution', your textures looks better in game and no need to use 'huge resolution textures like 2048x2048 or more', max. 1024x1024 is ideal (except pitch texture) * Texture Optimisation : Main texture format is DDS with 2 types, DXT1 for 'texture without alpha' and its 1:8 compression ratio, thats mean ur 1MB raw image texture will be just 128KB, same thing for DXT5, its for 'texture with alpha' and its 1:4 compression ratio, your texture file size will incredible reduce, DDS is great texture format for next-gen games, it increases fps and pc performance, also it has 'pre-calculated mipmaps' for looking better textures in long/wide in game cameras.Other supported texture formats are PNG and TGA, i've integrated a DDS converter for TGA and PNG textures (special thanks to NVIDIA Developers). Lastly, script automatically splitting texture files... * Mesh Optimisation : I've added a extra part (XXX_TRI_2) for each tribune, this part automatically 'invisible while playing game' and it is useful for 2nd and 3rd floor of tribune, if use that for 2nd and 3rd floor of tribune, fps/game performance will 'noticable increase', i would strongly suggest that, besides i checked out a lot of original stadiums, KONAMI used average 50k-60k triangles (50000-60000 triangles except staff elements (guard-cameraman etc.)) i would suggest 'dont over 60k-70k triangles' if you dont want slowdown/lag problems... * Directly Export native game format : Script is automatically converting mesh models and writes as 'binary data' instead of text format, after then compressing with Zlib and create game bin file, thats feature will save time for you... * Transparent and Two-sided model parts : Transparent parts works good if u set right 'part order' , near objects must be bottom at part list, far objects must be top. there is no automatic two-sided model parts for keep the model filesize as less as possible, easy way to make manual two-sided mesh face, 'I will explain these 2 things with video tutorial as soon as possible..' * Extra Things : You can add team banner for home and away teams, also u can use home/away team flag/emblem in game and you can make stadium for different competitions (CL,UEFA) with using same stadium (with changing adboards on the wall and near the scoreboard) Warnings/Suggestions: * Watch the 2 tutorials with carefully before anything to do... * This script is 'beta' version and it includes over 2000 code lines so far, of course there are some small bugs, need some little improvements, thats why i would not suggest that for newbie/beginner makers, because they dont know exactly game/stadium structure, Im avoid their noobish questions, 'only professional advise,critics,bug report would welcome..' * Keep under 1MB each texture file size, otherwise textures will black color in game.. * Be careful when you assigning/loading textures, %90 script errors about the textures,(choose right format,exact file path,saving before process) * Make sure all image files saved before converting to DDS. * Make sure all image files converting to DDS and created under temp folder before Exporting process. * Sometimes script may give a warning message when exporting, check out all model parts and textures before exporting, so if script says warning like '...... file using another application....' try export again, it will export them at second try... * I would suggest add staff elements lastly (guards,cameraman,boxes etc..) , thats will saving time for you because script is calculating each mesh triangle when exporting, so there are 75000 triangles for staff elements, if u add them firstly, script is trying 75000 x calculate when exporting at every time, that will waste time... * I would suggest use TGA (Targa) format for alpha textures, it supports alpha channel and it 'keeps all color information', PNG uses layer transparency instead of alpha channel and 'it removes color informations'.. * You can use directly DDS textures with using NVIDIA DDS Plugin for Photoshop, but nevertheless click DDS convert before exporting, because DDS Convert is working like that: - 'if texture format is TGA or PNG; convert them to DDS (this process take a little time) and create textures under temp folder with 'corresponding texture ID (0x27..)' - 'if texture format is DDS; read directly DDS data , no converting to DDS (that will save time for you) and create textures under temp folder with 'corresponding texture ID (0x27..)' (link: http://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-texture-tools-adobe-photoshop) To Do List: * fix some small bugs, add some little improvements. * Integrate Crowd,Light Effect,Scoreboard,Rebounds tool in to this script. * make a long video tutorial about 4-5 things (adding team banner,fix mesh smooth problem,transparent-twosided mesh parts,increase details for DDS Mipmaps, etc..) * Maybe Xbox360/PS3 support (I dont have PS3 and Xbox but I have some knowledge/ideas in my mind, PS3 and Xbox use IBM PowerPC CPU and it uses Big-Endian coding file format(like Motorola CPU) so I can convert game files to Big-Endian format with using Python but of course need more information about Xbox/PS3 model and texture file structure) Author : Suat CAGDAS 'sxsxsx' Credits : * Blender/Python Developers (new Blender/Python integration is awesome) * NVIDIA Developers (DDS Converter tool) * Zlib Developers (Zlib compress tool) Special Thanks: Ariel, Warpjavier, Gwidon, Stelios and evo-web community Download : http://www.multiupload.com/HVAJ7I4PX7 (178 MB) Any professional suggestions, critics, bug report, test report would welcome...
Vase misljenje o najboljem operativnom sistemu
Mare replied to NikolaCZ's topic in Zabava i tehnologija
lose si citao win7 nije defitnitno samo za office ali opet sve zavisi od iskustva kakvo imas sa vec navedenim,ja npr ga koristim 2 god nije zucnuo svaka igra svaki program sve radi bez ikakovg problema,jeste bio problem sa igrama prvih 20 dana dok sam imao ati radeon x900 ali kad sam bacio to ***** i zamenio sa atijem 5770 i 8 giga rama radi ko zmaj, dok mi je xp vise bagovao sa x900,tako da kao sto vidite necemo se nikada uslagisiti jer svako je doziveo drugacije iskustvo sa win7 -
Vase misljenje o najboljem operativnom sistemu
Mare replied to NikolaCZ's topic in Zabava i tehnologija
ja brate furam sve bez problema win 7 radi ko sat -
Vase misljenje o najboljem operativnom sistemu
Mare replied to NikolaCZ's topic in Zabava i tehnologija
ram memorija,1 giga ti uzme win i ostane ti tuki za igrice,zato kazem da imas jos 2 giga video bi kolko je bolji i brzi win 7 -
kako do jaja izgleda,kad bi uradio animaciju cele tribine dok luduju delije :D e to bi bilo pravo
Vase misljenje o najboljem operativnom sistemu
Mare replied to NikolaCZ's topic in Zabava i tehnologija
win 7 i sad bude li neko rekao da mu je xp bolji to znaci da mu je komp jadan ,i da nemoze da izdrzi u fulu win 7 -
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