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Devilish Soldier

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Everything posted by Devilish Soldier

  1. Ajde da je i tako bilo. Ebem ti onda klub koji zavisi od jednog Evandra.
  2. Bolju šansu u životu nisam video iz prvog ugla se činilo da je gol (udaljena kamera), ali nije bilo gola Bajko ima refleks i onda na liniju. Zvezda je bolja imala dobre šanse ali Šaranov iskidao. Drže posed 77% čini mi se.
  3. Nemoj više da se sprdate sa stadionima.
  4. This morning, the publisher officially announced Assassin's Creed Revelations, saying the game will arrive for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC this November. Calling it "the final chapter of the Ezio trilogy," Ubisoft said that Revelations will follow its Renaissance-era wetworks maestro, who was first introduced in Assassin's Creed II. "][/url] This time out, Ezio will visit the haunts of original Assassin's Creed protagonist Altair, visiting such Middle East strongholds as the Ottoman Empire's Constantinople. There, Ezio will once again take up arms against the Templar order. In addition to its single-player storyline (which will also see the return of present-day protagonist Desmond), Revelations will retain the franchise's multiplayer component, which was introduced with last year's well-regarded Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.
  5. Najgori komentatori na svetu prenose tenis (B92). Lepo Sport Klub.
  6. Ja sam imao strašne sajtove, tipa te statistike i kreće se procenat ljudi kako je uplaćivalo tiket, strašan sajt. Moram da vidim od ortaka kako se zove. Partizan uvek igra sa nekim šampionom ili finalistom (Porto LŠ, CSKA Uefa kup, evo sada Braga finale).
  7. Jednom sam se tako sj*bo imao dojavu Valensija 7+ odigram to plus 3 neka para sigurice i sve krene lepo do 15. minuta 2-1 za Valensiju do kraja palo 5 komada i odoše pare, ali sada sam se grdno za*ebo što nisam igrao, ali dobro pogreši čovek. Jel si imao dojavu neku ili ti proradio neki kladioničarski instikt.
  8. Nove informacije o enginu. FIFA 12's new Impact Engine is the "biggest change" EA Canada has made to the franchise since rebuilding the game for next generation consoles, according to lead gameplay designer Aaron McHardy. Detailed at length in OXM issue 73, which goes on sale 10th May, the Impact Engine swaps out the canned collision animations and injury calculations of older games for a true-blue physics system that dramatically enhances the realism of play, or so EA Canada claims. "It's the biggest change we've made since we rebuilt the engine for next-gen consoles," McHardy told deputy editor Mike Channell. "I mean we rebuilt the engine from scratch, so that's as big as it can get, but since then we're ripping out a big chunk of the game and it's a massive change." Advertisement: "It solves a lot of problems for us this year, it gives us better accuracy, better momentum, more realistic outcomes, solving a lot of situations that we just tried not to get into before," he went on. One of the areas the Impact Engine affects is tackling. If a tackling party clips your trailing leg, you should have the momentum and balance to keep your feet - but if that player connects with your front peg, you'll go down like a sack of potatoes. "Now we're opening up the game so you can get into these situations and see new cool and interesting things, but also it lays a foundation for places for us to go in the future," McHardy enthused. "When you think about the resilience of the player and the ability for someone to take a hit and continue dribbling, we didn't have that ability before in our game because you were either dribbling or you were stumbling. Now we have that grey area and it's something we can play with down the line, just to give you some vision of where we see these kind of things going." For more FIFA 12 info - including details of how EA has bolstered the defensive game and how the inclusion of Pro Players can alter the flow of a game - get ye down the shops on 10th May. You can also buy OXM online, or even - whisper it - set up a subscription. FIFA 12 launches later this year.
  9. Da ali lupite meni. :) Realno Barca osvaja, mada smorili su i Barca i Mančester. Ajmoooo Arsenal sledeću sezonu bre (barem do polufinala)
  10. A mislio sam da pričaš za ovu tekmu samo. (gledam kad sam propustio 2 komada)
  11. Stadion je bomba! Ovo se mora napraviti.
  12. Xtra. Kažem ti šta sam čitao (na forumu sveta kompjutera) ljudi baš imaju problema. Ja Vistu i Win7 kontam kao office za posao, ako me kontaš.
  13. Ok to da, ali ja sam toliko prestao da igram igre da je to nenormalno, tako da nemam problem s time, a i ovo što sam igrao savršeno radi, dok na win 7 se dosta ljudi žale da neće da pokrene igru pa moraju da pokreću iz compatibility moda itd...
  14. Kontam da je meni upućeno: Intel Core2 Quad CPU [email protected]_2.50GHz 2GB of RAM NVIDIA GeForce 9600GT 160GB & 1TB HARD DISK Philips 190SW Logitech RX300 A4Tech PK-7MA Logitech S220
  15. Koristim XP SP3, naravno najbolji mi je i dan danas pored onih sr*nja što izlaze danas.
  16. [video=youtube;CZAA1zkrrJs]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZAA1zkrrJs
  17. Utisci novinara koji su imali priliku da odigraju Fifa 12
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